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Thot Season

Thot Season:This usually happens during the summertime where many femalez like to show off their ass and tits. They be desperate for attention. They just unvalid hoz. Hoz like this have no standards at all.

Thot Season ,Jay : " Yo the thots its out "


by Yung Durantula35 November 2, 2016

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goosing season

The month of goosing one another. Happens every other month to goose your friends.

It's goosing season boys. Lets go goose Thien and his PHAT ASS.

by Thien'sGooser May 9, 2019

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boo season

Boo season is the time between October 3rd-November 7th. You need to boo somebody up in between that time.

β€œI hope Richard boo’s me up, since it’s boo season.”
β€œshut up hoe he mine.”

by yummmyy October 11, 2019

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Raccoon Season

When multiple high school freshman girls start to experiment with make-up around the same time. Overuse of eyeliner being used results in dark rings around the eyes, similar to that of the common raccoon.

Upperclassmen 1: "Holy shit! Do you see how much eyeliner those freshman chicks have on!?"

Upperclassmen 2: "Yeah, it's Raccoon Season"

by shreddingsociety November 26, 2010

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Flexing season

It is after Christmas and it’s really cold!! But for some they are iced out and from January 1st to January 15 it’s flexing season. That means you have to wear the most expensive or the best fits you have in your closet!!

Yo you got your drip for flexing season

by Megavirgin234 October 16, 2019

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Seasoning the meat

Placing or drizzling a delicious substance on one's penis to make a blowjob better for the blower.
Putting food on the dick before it's sucked.

I threw some nutella on my dick just to season the meat for my girl.
Girl, he was seasoning the meat with some whipped cream last night.

by b&byc&kes February 17, 2017

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Christmas Season

Christmas season starts on November 1st and is when people shall officially start listening to Christmas music and putting up Christmas decorations.

person 1: β€œDude it’s Christmas Season!!!
person 2: β€œFinally!!”

by Dr. Taile November 12, 2019

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