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Some random kid who stole Ink!sans' nickname because their deadname sucks
They're a fukin nerd, please make them stop

Person 1: who tf is Squid?
Person 2: no idea but they draw a lot idk

by Obsessive child March 30, 2021


When one is completely intoxicated either by alcohol or drugs.

Dude how much did you drink you look squid.

by Bucsrule32 March 16, 2021


Pro at minecraft crystal pvp

Look he's a squid!

by NightDeity September 5, 2022


another slang for semen

" Did you hear? Someone has crazy sex in the gym storage room last night. It reeked of squid all over the mats"

by Sad Banana May 3, 2020


Squid: A teen, or young adult who looks incredibly nerdy, or wears hideous clothing, but still manages to get the hot girls to date him.

Hey, you see that squid over there walking with that hot chick

Look at the big group of squids hanging out in zumiez.

by hohrmund December 9, 2019


Friend or family anyone who’s close to you.

You can also use it as Squids for plural friends 2-3
Squillium is a group of 4 or more friends

Alex: yo it’s jake!
Jake: yo Alex what up my squid
Alex: what’s good squid

by Leg3ndaryxCam September 15, 2021


A bad sum bitch that makes your girlfriends panties wet by doing wheelies with no gear on.

Omg!!!! Babe, did you see that squid do a wheelie? I’m so wet!!!

by Squidward2020 June 26, 2020