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People write this word to describe the sound that "Blood gang members" use to call out to let other members they are in the area; but the sound is supposed to be more like the "wooping" sound made by hyenas. This is used to call to one another similar to a hyena pack.

"Wooooop" "Wooooop"! "What up, dog? That's how you call your homies! Not su-wu!"

by RapFTB July 13, 2013

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Mad Sus

When somebody acts super gay, such as being a little bitch and not knowing how to handle something.

You sounding mad sus my guy.

by Bimbo69 March 3, 2019

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suing pizza

It’s when you decide to sue a pizza. Also if you sue a piece of food, you need to rethink your life choices.

I’m going to be suing pizza

by Thevideoguy June 28, 2019

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major sus

When something is so sus, it warrants an added "major" at the frornt

Wow, Sarah is major sus

by majorsus January 30, 2019

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sus dog

Someone who acts sus and is usually named Daniel. They’re into wearing super tight SnapBack hats that they put on their head and wear wack ass adidas. Always Latino.

Wassup sus dog

by Gorilla69123 November 1, 2017

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Su Jin

Often known as "Super Su Jin" she is a super hero that likes to save the city of coquitlam. She can fly and has super fashion sense and likes to shop at Value Village. Her favourite style of vintage clothing includes fuzzy blue vest from the 1930's. Her favourite shirt is blue with a small cottage showing her dream house in the woods somewhere in The Northern Reflections. Her hair is often in a pony tail.


Giselle: OMG IT IS!


Giselle: She is sooooo fashionable.


by Awesome Biotch May 4, 2011

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The Sukhoi Su-30, a Russian twin seat fighter, is equipped with Thrust Vectoring and super advanced radar systems. Capable of carriing just about every weapon in the Russian Air Force it certinally is a firece aircraft. Although comparable to the American F-22A in it's flight dynamics, it isn't stealth, that one thing makes it inferior to the F-22A for if it had to go up against a Raptor, it would get it's ass handed to it by the Raptor from 50 km by an AIM-120 AMRAAM. Still a gorgeous aircraft, it is also the current aircraft of the Russian Air Force Demonstration team, the Russian Knights. India has another version called the Su-30 M/KI.

The Su-30 MKI found an American F-15C Eagle on it's radar, it locked it up and launched an R-77 Adder missile and destroyed the Eagle.

by Minority June 12, 2007

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