Sudden, unexpected, and unwanted explosive diarrhea or similar. Not to be confused with a "Code Brown" which is a normal bowel movement.
"Out of the way! Incoming code blue!"
when some just acts very pure and/or you know they are just very sweet
normally used for fictional characters but can be used on a real person
basically how a baby makes you feel you feel that way for a person
Jill- Miles Morales is so baby coded
Jack- what do you mean
Jill- like i feel like i could just hold him and he's just so 🥺 yk?
When talking online, it is hard to convey sarcasm because people cannot hear the tone of your voice. Therefore, people use "" at the end of a sarcastic phrase to let the other person(people) know that sarcasm is being used.
I am so excited to have a test first thing tomorrow! "" (sarcasm code: "")
Someone who can only use/edit code by copying and pasting it from other people's code because they're too lazy/stupid/stubborn to learn it and do it for themselves.
"Damn, this geocities website sucks..nothing but code-gankers...*sigh*"
"I wish those sloppy code-gankers on LJ would fix up their posts already.."
Street Code
Never Rat on anyone….when a person gets caught do something
illegal by the police, the code is always “Never Rat”, “Never Snitch”…..
See Prison Code
Street Code
37👍 26👎
an alert denoting the presence of a Hot Ass Mom. Usually between coworkers at video game stores and other fine retail shops.
"We have a Code HAM on eisle seven."
"I need a manager to the register...Code HAM. I repeat...CODE HAM!
14👍 7👎
914mm = 36" indicates the presence of a guest with large breasts.
"Code 914, monorail red." = "Look at the cans on that girl in the red top."
18👍 7👎