Mobile army surgical hospitals.were emergency hospitals since 2006.thay were replaced by csh.
When you stuff mashed potato into an asshole, to then eat it out and lick it clean. Sometimes Baked beans are added for flavour.
The act of getting absolutely innebriated, also known as binge drinking.
"what are you doing tonight?"
"Oh not much, buncha people gettin together to mash at my place, you comin?"
"why the hell did you get home so late, and why do you stink of beer?"
"I'm sorry, me and the gang were out mashing a couple 24's"
Like 'shipping' people but instead of wanting them to be in a relationship, you want them to co-create something. Whether it be art, music, writing, etc.
I love how their voices sound together, I mash them.
Their writing styles really compliment each other, i mash them.
Mash is a silly girl with beautiful hair. She is classy sassy and smart-assy. Don't mess with her because she is feisty and is not afraid of anyone!
John: That girl was so silly.
Mark: Yea I bet her name was Mash
A versatile verb used to show anger.
That dude jacked my shit. We should mash that fucker up.