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Shank pony

A badass way of saying Unicorn. A horse with a shank sticking out if its face!

Tom: It's just wied that you wanted a unicorn.

Dave: ...
(Several stab wounds later)

Steve: Thats one badass horse. What happened to Tom?
Dave: He insukted my Shank Pony

by Blacksaphire May 6, 2016

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Pony Brush

The P.

If he asks for you to give him a Pony Brush, he wants the P.

I want you to give me your pony brush for my birthday

by Randy1234321 May 1, 2013

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Ride That Pony

Same as above, but slightly cleaner.

Alternate lyrics:

Come along and ride my pony,
Come along and ride my pony,
Come along and ride my pony,
This is how we do it.

see above lyrics and sing to whatever tune you wish
(I often use the 1 little, 2 little, 3 little lady bugs tune). Instead of using Ride That Pony, use ride my pony.

by Lord Voldemort the Third September 7, 2007

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Noun. Verb. Dreams. Desires. Hopes. Sandwich. However your heart interprets...

1. Dude, that was totally side-pony!
2. I was going to do my annual report report...but got side-ponied by Christian.
3. My brother is such a side-pony.

by Walter James Gunglemuth August 29, 2008

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pickled pony

a type of shot that involves whiskey and pickle juice.

man that pickled pony put me over the edge last night!

by oh nawnaw February 13, 2010

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Pony Wrangler

n: a gay man infatuated with cowboys and a romantic notion of the cowboy lifestyle

That little pony wrangler hasn't ever been near a farm, but ever since BrokeBack Mountain, he won't date anything that's not wearing a cowboy hat.

by Henry Fatbottom June 4, 2007

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Rumble pony

When a guy is riding reverse cowboy style with his male partner during the act of anal sex, and the rider farts aggressively and makes the partners penis rumble.

Hey babe, wanna play rumble pony?

by D3Jai March 11, 2021

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