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eat smacks

fall on face, trip, fall, eat shit, faceplant

"You better practice walking in those heels or you're gonna eat smacks"

by Shingleberry January 1, 2012

smack bean

An ultimate level of a drug addict, where the smack bean is such a smack head that no-one trusts then eg. getting drug tested by their Ma.

eg. posting illegal substances on their stories and getting baited out to fuck.

‘Jude is such a fucking Smack Bean’ Exclaimed Lexie, as he posted a picture of a hospital on his story.

by LexDawgXo August 22, 2019

brain smack

An act of cupping ones hand over their own butthole, and farting into the hand, to later trap the gassiest stench while simultaneously whipping your hand out with great efficiency and speed to carefully keep the horrendous stench in your hand, then placing the hand under a poor unsuspecting target’s nostril. The stench will instantly travel up the nostrils and the sensation will smack the brain. Hence the term brain smacker

He brain smacked me.
He grabbed his fart and brain smacked me.
Brain smack means to catch your fart in your pants then throw it in someone’s face

by Faggatron2698 November 8, 2017


When something makes you made enough to hit someone or something.

That person tailgating me is pissing me off, smack-dammit!

by Margieq August 17, 2006

4👍 3👎

oh smack

An exclamation of surprised disbelief at an insult said by one person to another.

Mikey: Why don't you just do what I tell you to do, like you should?

V: Isn't that sweet? He's so cute when he's trying to be authoritative.

Tash: Oh smack!

by RudeGrrlV July 14, 2006

12👍 12👎

get smacked

To be hit or struck in an online game such as Halo or Counter Strike. This is also used as an aggravated insult with players often yelling this into the microphone when they beat you down.

*person gets hit*

Player1: GET SMACKED!!!

N00b: Darn!

by Mack_T March 5, 2008

16👍 23👎


To shut someone up by making them look like a dumbass. Mainly, when a person believes’s they are right about a certain thing but, are in fact wrong. For example they believe a (i.e. Person made a certain song) but it fact it is a totally different person so they are proved wrong and humiliated in front of a crowd. It is normally proclaimed by one of the on lookers if they believe the diss is worthy of the recognition.

1. Person 1: "I dont care what you say, drinking everyday is better then smoking weed every day for your body."
Person 2: "Your a fucking moron you obviously believe everything D.A.R.E taught you!"
Crowd: "Ahahahahahahahahah"
Person 3: "Smack-down"

by [J.C] October 28, 2005

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