the process of searching one's bedroom or general sleeping area for arachnids due to an excessive amount of paranoia. A successful spider sweep results in the death of all arachnids within a ten foot radius of one's sleeping apparatus.
I did a spider sweep last night and killed seven spiders!
Slang name in Australia for an AUD$100 note. The $100 note in Australia is green, and a lime spider is a popular children's drink in Australia composed of lime flavoured soda and icecream. Similarly the AUD$20 note is known as a "lobster" due to its orange colour.
I got $200 out of the ATM the other day and it gave me two lime spiders!
When someone is not able to properly grow a beard, but they insist on not shaving. They have probably never shaved before either. The resulting few hairs have the appearance of the legs of a spider.
Look at Chris he's got such a spider chin.
Truely the best character ever written in the history of science-fiction and superhuman topic.
Originated from Steve Ditko and Stan Lee. Different iterations of his origin story have been portrayed in the area of cinematography, the most notable being the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Spider-Man is a character that is pure at heart and realizes that with great power there must also come great responsibility. He never gives up even with a struggle of his home and superhero life. Will always get up when he is knocked down constantly. Tries to help everyone to the best of his ability, but grows anxious when there is at least 1 person who was not saved.
Wow, Spider-Man truely is the best superhero!
Spider-Man (acted by Tom Holland) is a character created by Marvel, so that the beaches get more sand.
*at the beach* I love all this white Spider-Man!
Sometimes called the quad jerk, or the four legged. When you try to jerk off with your feet, Both hands and fornicate yourself all at the same time.
Paul: “Did you tap Amanda last night?”
Zak: No I got too drunk so I just gave myself the good ol spider jerk.
Paul: Same!