Source Code

star wars

I just want to note that all the negative definitions about Star Wars on this site all have a lot more "thumbs down" than "thumbs up," while all the definitions that hold Star Wars in a positive manor have a lot more "thumbs up" than "thumbs down."

Let me explain why this is so.
Star Wars is THE GREATEST series of movies to ever exist. It beautifully combines all the genres of film that exist. The only flaw with the series is that George Lucas has finished the series which means Star Wars is pretty much over and we won't be able to see any more new movies.

Star Wars fucking RULES!!!!

by Theory's Apprentice July 3, 2006

223๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guild Wars

A free MMORPG that focuses on Group combat as opposed to solo play. The game contains six classes that range from Warrior to Elementalist (Wizard) The game is based on playing for fun, not leveling to get an uberpowerful charecter. The game is still in beta and will be released April 28th. The game is only playable on special weekends termed beta weekends.

Oh man, the next beta isn't until april....... I'm SO BORED!
Dude, your elementalist ROCKS!
I can't wait to get to Lion's Arch.
I like Old Ascalon Better!

by Lectalist Flaminghands March 30, 2005

308๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž

star wars

Let's get the record straight: There seems to be a misconception about people that love these movies and being complete fucking nerds about them.

I, for one, love these movies. All 6 of them. When other people ask me "do you like star wars?" I answer "yeah". THIS DOES NOT MAKE ME A FUCKING NERD. get that through your thick goddamn skull. Nerds are the people that dress up and wait outside the theatre 6 months before the movie. Those are the people that are giving the rest of us fans a bad name. If you want to dress up like jango for halloween or for a costume party, be my guest. But if you do it for a movie premiere just don't act like a complete douche.

I like star wars and lord of the rings. Sue me.

by Adrian January 20, 2006

102๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

gears of war

one of the best games ever seriously i love halo 3 but this is still much better.

Gears of war hater- i fkin hat geas of wat hal is wat better!
me: what the hell lol

by jasypon October 5, 2007

171๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

Revolutionary War

The American Revolution as some call it. But it's the war where a bunch of American colonists with pitchforks beat down a billion british soldiers.

The definition is of course an exageration but thats the revolutionary war in a nutshell.

by The Great American August 13, 2008

85๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

War walking

Walking around looking for open wireless networks with a laptop or PDA.

I'm going to be war walking with my iBook later.

by Maq January 3, 2004

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Label War

When subsections of the same stereotype collide causing a hatred of all subsections other than one's own, causing a massive "war". For example the "Goth" subsections. Each thinks they have started a trend and all else fails. Most of the time it seems as if the trend that derived from goth hates the stereotype it was derived from.
The Goths
The Brootals
The Emos
The Hardcore Kids
The Scenes

For example, Goths hate all other subsections.
Brootals hate emos and goths (though they were derived from each)
Emos hate goths and scenes. (Again emo is derived from each)
Hardcore kids hate emos and scenes.

Scenes hate goths and emos.
and that's the gist of it. Ridiculous really, but that's what the label war really is. All trying to be number one label i guess.

by SomeChickNamedNelle June 22, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž