When someone is eating a mans ass in front of a dirt bike exhaust and the receiver revs the motor so their ball bag slaps the ass eaters face/chin.
I'm pretty sure I saw Tommy and Sean flap tracking in the pits last night.
n. A vehicle, in any manner of repair, intended to be driven on a race track and ridden hard like a cheap whore.
Jeff bought himself another track whore, a Corvette with a full roll cage and 5 point restraints.
Where the sex is so hard, it isn’t a rail, it’s a entire track
I just got tracked last night.
Something popular that is used often and has a lot of media coverage, sometimes used to call something overrated
Nah dude that movie is tracked, everyone has seen that
When you are talking in or in front of a group of people and you make a good point, but either nobody was listening until then or they don't understand.
When a tank throws a track, it takes a long time to repair. It is also very annoying and happens relatively easily. In a conversation, throwing a track can take a while to recover from.
Keeping calm before going on stage can help keep you from throwing a track.
When you are walking barefooted in a public place that should require shoes with some busted ass feet.
Wedding reception requires shoes.
Barefoot Karen is cuttin da rug with those train track feet at he ex's wedding.
A song by an artist that appears on no official releases
(artist) has some good fog tracks, I wish they would put it on an album some day instead of only playing it live