random trade in the pokemon games
shit, i got a fucking mewtwo in a wonder trade bro
Yo, I tried to get that girls attention but she just ignored me. She didn't hear you man, she's got Stevie Wonder ear lobes
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when u are having sex with a chick and when u get ready to cum u aim at her eyes so she cant see like stevie wonder
wow tom totally stevie wondered that girl last night. he told me she couldnt see for like 30 minutes
Born May 13, 1950 is an American producer, singer and composer. Mr. Wonder’s hits include “I just called to say i love you”, “As”, “Sir Duke”, “Saturn”, “Superstition” and “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” He is one of the most awarded male artists of his time. Stevie Wonder was awarded a Noble peace prize by the United Nations for his outstanding work as an activist.
Stevie Wonder!
Great, spectacular, lovable, and happt
"A walk on the beach would be wonderous !!"
LB's version of the word "wondrous."
Derived from the old spelling of the word because wonderous with out the 'E' is just "One-druss"
No, it is "WON-DER-OUS!"