A common phrase used to tell a fugly ass bitch to die. Jacobs usually uses this word against people. Especially if they are zesty as all hell.
I hope you fall down a staircase <3
I hope you don't trip but fall down a staircase <3
The act of taking your partner fishing, only looking for an extra catch. As you are fucking your partner, you catch a fish on the other end of the line. right as you are about to cum, you pull the fish out of the water and shoot your load on the fish. Then proceed to slap your partner across the face with the catch of the day.
Dan, "I took Brittany out fishing yesterday."
Tom, "Yeah, how did that go?"
Dan, " Well i showed her The Down-Rigger!"
The period in which a warning siren's pitch lowers as the motor is no longer energized.
The siren is currently winding down.
The siren's wind-down took a while.
"We can shoot a fair one,I'm not affiliated, I don't need to be, Im down by law, homeboy!" Ny/Nj Circa 80s urban slang
the slaughter house is a big oiled up booty shaking competition
gabe saporta: ll take you down to the slaughter house
kate: gladly 🤩
when someone grows taller and becomes worse as a person
I feel like my little brother is growing down. He used to be such a sweetheart, but since he's grown to 6'1" he's gotten three detentions.