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Doing a David

When you ignore a fact because your phone tells you otherwise.

Wendy: It's snowing outside.
David: (looks at phone) No it's not, it's raining.

Bradley: Oh he's doing a David again!

by Big-t Tarzan December 1, 2023

Doing a David

When you ignore a fact because your phone tells you otherwise.

Wendy: It's snowing outside.
David: (looks at phone) No it's not, it's raining.

Bradley: Oh dear, he's doing a David again!

by Big-t Tarzan December 4, 2023

Doing a Dido

When you realise you have a Classical Civilization or Ancient History lesson at 9am tomorrow, so you put some revision of book 4 of the Aeneid into 'practice'.

"hey did you hear about Joe!?"
"yeah, I heard he hadn't done the worksheet on book 10 for today so he was doing a dido"

"its a bit extreme"
"yeah I know, yikes"

by Olosodo November 3, 2019

What you need to do

shut the fuck up

Person 1: blahblahblah nerd shit.

Person 2: you know What you need to do

Person 1:

Person 2: thanks.

by WrenFloof#0666 April 19, 2022

2👍 1👎

Doing a Rew

when someone is asked a very straight forward question, & the person 'doing a rew' mumbles something irrelevant, often including the word darling, laughs & confuses the inquirer to the point they forgot they asked a question in the first place.

Often caused by smoking a lot of weed and excess amounts off awesome.

you: are you high?
person doing a rew: um well ahh oh darling, you'd love to know, ahh hahaha umm well I'm always high! no I'm joking I've never been high in my life! no joking dear haha *mumbling something you don't understand* haha well *more mumbling* *something irrelevant* *complete bullshit*
you: wut
person doing a rew:hahaha what darling?
you: *walks away confused*

by Popss July 6, 2012

Doing a Kurt

managing to get away with skiving for a whole 8 hour shift at work and getting away with it.

Are you going to do any work today?

No I'm doing a Kurt.

by JimboJonesthe12th November 10, 2009

Tittle E do

Tittle E do will be your little companion. You will not like him/her in any way but they will still be your best friend. It will be with you all of the time even when you are alone. The Tittle E do will set on your shoulder or on the toilet paper stand in the bathroom. He will even perch on the end of your pen when you are writing in the middle of class or at work. You will hate the Tittle E do but you will never get away from him. You are his everything but to you he is nothing.

Sally- "I don't know what a tittle E do is but I know that I have one and it follows me everywhere."

Mike-"I have a tittle E do also, but I do not know it's name or where it came from, but I know that it is there all of the time."

April-"Yall over here talking about your Tittle E do's just grow up already and go pay some taxes"

by A person you don't know me July 1, 2017