Someone who is a fan of the artist known as CrissCrossCannibal or The Cross System.
"Hello my little cheese curds!
The action of cumming in a condom, putting it in the freezer for an hour, blending it, then baking it on a baking tray then proceeding to put it on your cold blanket for warmth.
Boy 1- Yo, my girl is is home making my cottage cheese blanket
Boy 2- No way, Id love one right now
when you want to make a grilled cheese but decide to give up resulting in a slightly warm cheese sandwich
I wanted a grilled cheese but i was so hungry i gave up and ate a slightly warm cheese
Something extremely good, so good there’s no other words to describe it
That new Netflix series is hot cheese
The absolute worst smell on the planet. It smells similar to a piece of shit that’s on top of the sawdust that’s covering the retard barf in high school.
Your feet smell like millerd cheese cruffball
The action of performing analingus shortly after ejaculating in one's gaping butthole
Fred: "I could really go for a Cream Cheese Bagel right now"
Roger: "I can't help you, Fred"