when a whore is SO gross you dont even want to look or be around them (applies to chicks AND dudes)
Do you see that nasty ass dude over there??? he was whore-iffic!!!
Tacky whore is a cheap whore who is vulgar
This tacky whore just bought me a cheap beer.
Someone who does not see programming as an art, but often creates a dependency hell and writes overly complex spaghetti code for profit and intellectual masturbation.
Many if not most programmers working for Big Tech are coding whores.
When bitches message your man behind your back saying "we r just friends. We grew up together" but all along, they flirt with your man and u find out. Then they act all innocent but in all reality, they r FB whores.
Those bitches think they slick messaging Scotty, but they got caught being FB whores.
A variable that you use throughout a code without printing it.
arr = input('Enter your array: ');
r,c = size(arr);
for j = 1:c
sum = 0;
for i = 1:r
sum = sum + arr(i,j);
arr2(j) = sum;
Oh man, that "sum" variable is a whore variable!
A Harley Davidson owner who is obsessed with changing the sound of his bike with expensive exhaust systems
Bro, your bike sounds fine! Don’t be such and exhaust whore!