The excessive lip smacking and/or noises made while a minority is eating
Hey Larry, I can hear that Jiggaboo monkey-chomping over there!
I man or a women who likes a good old sniff of the finest whiff but doesn’t know when it is time to call it a day or night/ days or nights. Step away from the chizzle monkey!
Fucking he’ll mate you still up at it ?how many legs have you nailed? You’ve been a right chizzle monkey haven’t you !
The mixing of a 40 and a orange MD (MadDog) This is a variation of the Brass Monkey
Hey, man we are out of OJ. Just mix the 40 with your orange MD and make a Bronze Monkey.
You betta back up homey. He fixin to go karate monkey on yo ass.
Now that we are clear
Come back let’s not waste anymore time.
I will not ask you about anything, I will not mention it.
Just come back I forgive you. You don’t have to be ashamed.
Twelve Monkeys was us.
I grew up with you. I don’t want to lose you. Do you want to lose for something I didn’t do? Twelve Monkeys.
Whenever I smoke monkey treasure it makes my eyes red and gives me the munchies.
A braindead or an absolute illiterate.
This kid is an absolute monkey.