1.) A person on social media ( usually female) who takes out their anger on the opposite sex by posting the usual "tiny dick" or "men are trash" memes but is the first person in line to call you trash if you do anything remotely close.
2.) A "feminist icon" who spends all day on Facebook, Twitter, Etc, accusing men of sexual objectification and yet she's seen both Magic Mike films on numerous occasions and frequents the local male strip club on a regular basis.
God damn you're such a hypocrite. You spend all day talking about "men being trash" when you were sleeping with a married man. You are the worst kind of double standard Debbie.
When two women put their butts together and in between is a man's penis. They twerk on each other with him in between until he ejaculates. They jerk him off with their posteriors
As a birthday present for her husband, she and her friend gave him a double buttjob
When two men of germanic descent trip over something at exactly the same time.
Hans and Finn embarrassed themselves at the party when they double derfensteined over a wire.
when two men have anal sex and then the person taking the anal turns around and sucks on the penis of the person ramming him, with the penis covered with shit
guy 1: did you hear steven and juan were doing the chocolate double bust!?
guy 2: ah hell nah
The act of wearing two dee shiznit watches one on each wrist👊👊
Imma double wristing cuz I’m dee shiznit 2x”