is it possible to be a cat from a different universe?, no.
Anyone who dares to ship Addison with Tucker instead of Midnight, or calls Slush gay (in Two Royals of the Forest: Addison)
You Cat-eared pup bowl! Addnight all the way!
This is the action of 2 masculine male cats having intense anal sexual intercourse.
me: "Hey dude, wanna have cat sex again"
fbi: "No thanks, my Ass hurts from before!"
What your friend calls chicken wire he uses to protect his plants from cats.
I gotta protect my plants from these cats bro. I need some cat wire.
When you have multiple cats and they just lay around near each other or in Catloaf position doing nothing. In other words, you have say three cats and they just lay in the living room not to far from each other, doing exactly nothing.
*Walks into living room and sees his three cats just laying around and one is in the cat loaf position.
Joey: What are cats doing? Having a cat meeting?
when a women's pelvis has an abnormal amount of fat on it
i was gonna go down on dis bitch till i found out she had a pudge cat