If one is down bad and another is up in a moment the one that happens to be down will be honest about wanting to sabotage the others success. Used to honest about the despicable way you may act in any given situation.
A phrase coined by Nate.
“He’s scared I might try to take his girl if we stay friends and all I could say is if I’m down and you’re up”
When the phrase "pissing it down" just doesn't convey HOW HARD ITS FUCKING RAINING
A: Has the rain cleared up yet?
B: Nah, its fuckin shitting it down mate.
This phrase can have different meanings depending on how it’s used.
It can mean I had move at a fast rate
Ex: i seen that damn dog and had to get on down !
It can be used when someone is playing too much also.
Ex: Get on down with that bullshit mane
Nigg asked me for some money lmao I had to get on down on his ass.
Lessons learned by a man dating up
Things I learned in the fire! Hard lessons learned by a man after getting burned again and again and again in relationships with women who saw him as a male step-down.
To stop, To Chill when doing or saying something outta pocket
*Tantrum is being thrown*
A person who becomes physically ill by consuming too many non alcoholic beverages or mocktails
Dude, Adrian downed like ten phony Negronis and is so fucked down he has been throwing up since happy hour.
When you have a cold and buy both Ny-Quil and Day-Quil. You drink the Ny-Quil, sleep for ten hours, wake up and accidentally drink more Ny-Quil instead of Day-Quil.
I pulled a New England Double Down on Friday morning and didn't wake up again until Saturday night!