The act of stopping and digging straight down in order for refuge or resources (Minecraft and real life)
I was being chased so I had to do a diggy down to hide.
When a girl uses her shower head to masterbate.
She aims the shower head at her clit and uses the water pressure to rub her clit
Fuck man, rain upside down last night Sarah, it felt dooo good
Telling someone to kill themself.
References biting down on a cyanide pill
Bro bite down.
When you “hedge” your bet by increasing your stakes with slightly more favorable terms, so not really hedging at all.
I bet you a box of donuts I can run a 5K in under 23 minutes. Minutes later I’ll Dougie Double Down (DDD) by betting another box of donuts that I can run a 5K in under 25 minutes.
The sexual action of wich a man drags his sweaty ballsack across a woman's face so that her eyelids get somewhat stuck to her face. Can be followed by gentle goodnight.
Hey babe, could you please roll down the curtains on me today.....🙏
It means you describe someone having sex.
Samantha was busy bussing the doenes down wish Tom
1) Having messed up so bad that one has done the exact opposite thing one was trying to do
2) Having accidentally lost progress instead of gained
3) Trying to use the down escalator to go up
“The calming medicine has only made the ape more angry!” hollered the scientist. “We’ve gone up the down stairs!”
The men walked out of the maze entrance, frustrated that all the paths they took had only led them up the down stairs, as it were.
Alice wasn’t very bright at times, seeing as there was many an occasion where she was going up the down stairs at the mall.