When someone is achieving success at an activity or goal
“Yo, I’m going spooky this game”
it basically means you or someone is going crazy but not in a bad way.
like if you were rapping and your doing very good they would say you going crazy
Pers1: Nah my son dj going ku
Pers2: Wtmd!
Just saying someone is bugging or going crazy
To dismiss someone in order for them to undertake manual labour. Similiar to : Whatever, Meh, Beat it, Get lost.
Person 1:"Hey i won the golf today Kalki"
Kalki:"Go shovel".
3👍 2👎
There are two types of All Engines Go songs, here they are.
You might find yourself singing this song when you're on a roleplay game.
"Here comes Thomas I'm the number one engine woah All Engines Go look there's Percy we're best friends as Kana zooms around the bend I need my speed and I'm ready to glow All Engines Go hey there's Nia I'm rocking out don't forget me Thomas and Diesel gets a shout meet our fix-it crew Carly and Sandy you can count on us we're super handy down the hills and round the woah All Engines Go!"
You might find yourself singing this song when you want to watch something.
"If there's a screen that needs a show I'm the one you need to know I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go! If your eyes need satisfaction I can say the word I bet I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go!!!
"I'm gonna sing the All Engines Go song in BFB 3D Roleplay."
"I sure need something to watch, lemme sing the All Engines Go song."
Ebonic for gettin whatever you want by any and all means.
My grandmother and Mother taught me that I could obtain anything, that I was born to be a Go Gitta.
The act of standing outside any off liscence and askung passerbys to buy alcohol. This act is almost entirely carried out by (but not exclusive to) underage teenagers. The "phisherz" carefully profile and select their target audience in order to increase their chances of success. Tradesman, old men, non chavvy young adults are likely succesfull candidates. Care is taken to avoid asking anyone thats coukd be confused for a policeman, a parents friend and any man with his girlfriend.
Ah lads will we "go phishing" for a bottle of vodka tonight.
when you hear this yk you fucked up. this can lead to being touched or rape. when you hear this phrase, get an unregistered firearm immediately.
alright that’s it pal, your going on the list.