A saying when you're acting pissy but you aren't mad ^^
2. Taylor is such a raging banana monkey
the act of telling someone who appears as if they are a monkey yet are also an annoying piece of shit and a disgrace to society.
bob: holy shit tyrone just shot his cat!
jessica: damn what a monkey fuck.
Vigorously masterbaiting until it hurts so bad that you get friction burns on your scrotum
“Dude… I was just destroying that monkey… it hurts so much..”
“We’re taking you to therapy”
When absolutely NOBODY asked!!!!!!!!!!! STFU You Dumb Braindead failed abortion. You got Discord? Search up Monkey Buccaneer in gifs and realize that no one cares.
Teammate: I saw a vigil in the site
You: Monkey Buccaneer tryna find who asked?
A person in the game Arma 3 who sits outside the enemy base (usually in a bush) with an M3 Maaws waiting to blow up anything to leave.
Everyone watch out. There's a Maaws Monkey outside our base.
What Britain called France in The Kildovian Federation's video "France Finally snaps".
fine, you cheese eating surrender monkey! I didn't want to team up with you anyway! always quitting when things get tough!