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negatory ghost rider

To give a definite no. Absolutely no.

As though "Ghost Rider" is a call name

Will you Give me 100 bucks?

Uh, Negatory Ghost Rider.

by Timmy V. February 21, 2008

54πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Pale Rider

A Black Man, or a Non-White Minority male, who exclusively dates or has sex with white women.

Tiger Woods is a mixed race male, who had never been seen with a black love interest he is a stereotypical Pale Rider.

by Pink Lady C January 27, 2013

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Someone who obtains something without effort or cost.... Really? Really? ☝️ That? Why is that such a problem for you?

Hym "Why is the Free-Rider thing such a problem? If I don't need to expend a lot of effort to obtain something; why should I be compelled to do so? You know, their is this meme that is a clip from an anime that I haven't seen and there is this character (likely the protagonist) who says 'I don't know why everyone hates lazy people so much... We didn't even do anything.' And I can relate to that. Is that what this is? It's too easy for me and needs to be made arbitrarily difficult? Why? Why be an obstacle? And how are you going to meditate that process? Like, it was too easy for 'Catch me outside girl' to become famous. All she had to do was tell Dr. Phil and her mother to go fuck themselves. Bam! Free-Rider. Has a rap career that is predicated on her initial unearned fame. A million dollars. And what constitutes 'effort?' I don't know that I could explicitly write dialogue for a show if I tried but I can write dialogue in relationship to a topic and the dialogue is broadly applicable and can, therefore, be used in a variety of different settings. There is no reason for me not to be credited and, in a just world, I could be paid for it. Just because I'm not in the right place at the right time or I don't have the means to do something does not mean that I shouldn't be credited for my contribution.

And that's another problem if have with you 'I put myself in a position to be here' types. Did you? Did you really? I'm sure some people did but does your outcome DIRECTLY coincide with your INITIAL plan for success? If the answer is 'No' then, no. You didn't set yourself up for anything. If your plan was to be the world's best carpenter and you somehow end up being the most famous K-pop singer AND you are surprised by your our success; you did not set yourself up for anything. You were 'working hard' and then some stuff happened. And now you are doing a thing that makes more money than your initial plan, is objectively less difficult than your previous endeavors, and you have the fame to go along with it. That isn't setting yourself up. There is a disconnect between the hard work and your outcome and, shit, how to I put this?.... What you're doing is obfuscating the relationship between the former and the latter through a sort of conceptual slight of hand. For example:

Intended outcome

Hard work-------Neutral/Perpetual/Failure


Unexpected outcome
Where do you fall? πŸ‘† Here is not what the words 'Setting myself up for success' mean. So, what constitutes a free-rider?"

by Hym Iam August 5, 2022

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Alaskan Bull Rider

When you cum on a spaghetti noodle and make someone put it in their nose and make them pull it out of their mouth. After, they must run naked through the city screaming the n word with cum dripping noodles hanging from her mouth. Then, they must find and have sex with a 82 year old man and hibernate in his saggy balls for a week

β€œHey Girls Wanna do the Alaskan Bull Rider?”
β€œNo I’m fucking 9 years old”

by FATNIGGABALLS HD December 29, 2021

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Malibu Wave Rider

A sex move involving an ironing board, a man, and a woman.

To perform, the woman must lay flat on her back on top of the ironing board with her arms to her side, as if to resemble a surf board. The man then lays on top of her, stomach to stomach, and fucks her. While this is going on, the man must make a paddling motion with his arms, as if he were paddling out into the ocean.

Just before the man "hits the big wave", he must jump up and stand on top of the woman, as if riding a surf board, and yell "cowabunga!", getting his "Sex Wax" all over her.

Note: If an ironing board cannot be found, or if the ironing board is not stable enough to hold two people, then a flat piece of wood between two chairs, or any kind of elevated, flat surface can be used as a substitution. For full authenticity, this move can be performed on top of a surf board, which in turn is elevated over a surface of water.

Surfer 1: "So Jenny and I performed a Malibu Wave Rider last night."
Surfer 2: "How was it, brah?"
Surfer 1: "It was totally radical, but she got a gnarly infection in her eye from my Sex Wax."
Surfer 2: "Bummer, dude."

by The Shwastitute October 27, 2011

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Horseback rider

Noun. When a mother has it's child, it immediately knows where the baby is going to go in life. Maybe an engineer, or a bar tender, or possibly an artist. But for the unlucky few, their child's future is HORSEBACKRIDING... dun dun dunnn. Horseback riders tend to have unlikable traits: obsession over their horse, best friend is their horse, puts picture of their horse on facebook and says "cute"


Hi my name is Alex and i have no friends all i do is horseback ride, i am a horseback rider :( (that is a common case)

by fjlsdifsdofosdfja December 25, 2009

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Strawberry Surf-rider

Possibly the holy grail of all smoothies. Made with lime sherbet, strawberries, and ice....oh and perfection.

"why are you grinning?"
"because im drinking a strawberry surf-rider"
"aaaaah. liquid happiness"

by lurkette May 5, 2009

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