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December 2

December 2nd is national asthma day.

December 2nd is the day where anyone where asthma can complain like crazy.
friend 1: why is she complaining so much

friend 2: she has asthma

by asthma November 26, 2019

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Rule 2

Do NOT talk about Rule 1

Person 1: Hey do you remember rule 1?
Person2: Woah bro... rule 2...
Person 1: Sorry I forgot

by Internet rules October 8, 2019

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Doom 2

For those of us that enjoy it, it is among the greatest games ever created.

Doom 2, and it's prequel Doom, started a new era in online shooting games.
Most FPS games played online today are traced back to this bad boy.

Since it's inception; thousands of wads; including new maps, textures, and audio, have been created over it's life span; leaving an almost endless supply of wads to experience.
Today, there are new wads being made all the time, for both single player, and multiplayer, and will continue indefinitely into the future.
It has gone from a more restricted keyboard and mouse controlled experience, to enabling full mouselook support, with even the option of jumping, although these were neither intended, nor necessary to play Doom.

Doom 2 belongs in the hallowed halls of gaming history.

Chuck: Hey Dave, let's organise a Doom 2 LAN party with the work guys this weekend yeah?

Dave: Sounds great Chuck; just make sure you get crossover cables this time!

by TRRobin August 31, 2013

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


An entity in a video game that is extremely overpowered or relies on mostly or only luck to preform well.

That ability is a total KV-2.

by camo_man June 13, 2017

40πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Nov 2

National throw it back with your grandmaπŸ’ž

Kid:Hey grandma
Grandma: Hey
Kid: It’s Nov 2 which also means it’s national throw it back with you me grandma day
Grandma: *Throws it back*

by KSIWONFUCKLOGANPAUL November 10, 2019

Beagle 2

British-built Mars lander, launched by the European Space Agency in 2003 on the Mars Express spacecraft. Designed to investigate the possibilities of water and life at the landing site of Isidis Planita.

"Beagle 2 is not a rover, it stays in one spot."

by Patteroast January 27, 2004

February 2

When you ask someone out and they have to say yes

Boy: I wanna ask her out
Girl: then do it!
Boy: what if they say no?
Girl: it’s February 2!
Boy: okay
Boy: I like you. Will you go on a date with me?
Girl: yes!

by Starapia February 1, 2021