Hey, it's December 4th and you know what that means Ask them out
"Hey you wanna go out sometime?"
"Yes! I was just about to ask you because it's national ask your crush out day!."
On December 10th, you have to ask your crush out.
hey dude, its national ask your crush out day! you know what that means
On December 10th, you have to ask your crush out.
hey dude, its national ask your crush out day! you know what that means
september 3rd is national ask your crush out day don’t forget!
person:look who it is goooo
person: omg its my crush
person:you know what today is its national ask your crush out day GO SHOOT YOUR SHOT
Ask your crush out and she has to say yes!
«Hey, want to go out on a date today? It’s the national ask your crush out day so you have to say yes»
October 3 you have to ask your crush out day
Travis-Hey Mary I wanted to ask you out
Mary-oh yes I was gonna ask the same this cause it’s national ask your crush out day
October 3 At 12:00 you have to ask your crush out!
Travis-hey Mary I wanted to ask you out
Mary-OMG today is National ask your crush out day!!