the graffiti you see in bathroom stalls; can be found in almost any gas station restroom
There was a ton of stall art in that 7-11 we just stopped at.
Like an ass wipe, only for people who suck at art
Man Susan, you’re such an art wipe today!
A sign that the apocalypse is near
Electronic Arts ruined too many good video games series
Electronic Arts (AKA: EA) is a game developing company that charges for anything you do in said game.
You can do fuck all and have it go "tHaT'lL bE $67.99"
"I like Electronic Arts"
"Then I guess you like wiping your ass with dollar bills, you asshole."
A laughing stock company that places shitty microtransactions into video games.
"Hey wanna play Battlefront 2?"
"Nah, Electronic Arts ruined it"
A video game company that lacks the
"Technology" to support their newest battlefield game but yet still supports
Loot boxes
Electronic arts noun "We dont have the technology to keep supporting battlefield 5 but you can still
Buy loot boxes tho"
A person involved in lots of different art programs. Usually are in many after school activities such as Band, Orchestra, Choir, Show Choir, School Plays , etc. The stereotype is someone who is referred to as the artsy one in class of at home.
Stacy: Hey bob. What are you working on?
Bob: Just working on something for art class.
Stacy: OK. So, do you wanna see a movie tonight?
Bob: I can't i have choir and i have to run lines for the play and practice for my Orchestra concert tomorrow.
Stacy: You're such a arts nerd Bob! You never have time to hang out with your friends!