Source Code

Unlucky Bastard

It is like roulette. It is when a lot of men cum inside one woman. When that woman gives birth whichever man matches the DNA test of the baby, that is their baby.

We were hammered drunk and we decided to play Unlucky Bastard. I hope it isn't mine!

by adog69 April 10, 2011

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horse bastard

a kind of combination horses ass and lying bastard. One who shows a lack of intelligence and/ or respect and trys to lie out of the situation.

Sometimes he can be such a horse bastard.

by Filliard Millmore September 5, 2009

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Bastard Balls

A term used to identify blood shot eyes one gets usually gets when smoking marijuana.

"Are you sure you haven't been smoking pot? Because you sure got some bastard balls."

by Christine December 9, 2004

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squirrely bastard

One that resembles a squirrel, in thier facial features, ways of life, or general demeanor.

Look at that squirrely bastard, collecting nuts and running up trees.

by Hobbes Black June 18, 2005

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cock bastard

my father

i hate you, you cock bastard

by ryan October 20, 2003

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sketchy bastard

1. Someone who is constantly coming up with excuses for why he can never make it to anything he has planned to do.

2. Someone who emits a feeling of uneasiness and is hard to fully trust, either due to past experience, reputation, or just plain being sketchy.

1. Man, that Daniele guy is always telling me about how he has to spend time family bonding or how he has to do something else right before he's supposed to show up somewhere, he's such a sketchy bastard!

2. Garret is always making me uneasy, he just has that reputation of never following through with anything, guess he's just a sketchy bastard.

by Clutch Pro June 1, 2010

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Ronald Reagan, owing a debt to Hollywood, coined this term in the 80's to rally a country to watch the movie "Red Dawn"

Gorby you pinko-bastard, tear down this wall.

by Jayats November 8, 2013

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