Carter’s are usually athletic hot annoying brats who tend to look for victims to annoy they’re a mixture of soft and rock hearted, they cry about little things but at the same time don’t give sh*t about anything anyone says. They can be funny but also logical, they’re intelligent most of the time but can act dumb for attention, their pretty popular due to their good looks and athletic spirit. Pro tip to get a carter never look desperate.
Carter is behind you
No ones as hot as carter
Trash hair, looks like he came from the sewer. Likes a lot of men, very tiny pee pee.
An absolute fucking menace , carter is a guy that is a weapon to society and typically is gay
Tilly: Carter’s dick is menacing
Carter: I know it’s a weapon
Tilly: fun
Carter is either a skinny legend or a big boi, no in-between. He is soft-hearted and sensitive, but does his best to hide it. He is a goofy goober with his bros, and a romantic with his hos. He has a soft, feminine side that is repressed by society, but that does not invalidate his extremely masculine side. He has a damaged self-esteem, but in reality, he has no reason to be. He is literally an angel sent by God.
“I sent him flowers and he put them in a vase!”
“I love that. He’s such a Carter.”
An absolute fucking menace to society that does not give a FUCK about life. Carters are often aggressive strong and sexy men that commit crimes and laugh about it.
Wow look at that sexy man right there.
He must be a carter.
Carter is a person like no other. He always puts others first. He is the sweetest most caring guy when he wants to be. He is also always the life of the party, cracking jokes and making everyone laugh but when the time is right he is dead serious. Carter is understanding and loyal. If you ever date him he’s a keeper any girl would be lucky to have him in their life. If you’re friends with Carter cherish it and never met him go. Carter is also the best boyfriend any girl could ask for. If you have Carter in your life know that you’ll always be loved no matter what by him.
Jan: who’s that?
Danny: oh him? that’s Carter.
Jan: woah.
A Carter is a wild boi who gawks at potatos because their great