Spouse's first-cousin-once-removed's spouse.
Someone who, in relation to others, has zero parents, zero grandparents and three great-grandparents in common.
Living being that has zero parents, zero grandparents and three great-grandparents in common with other living beings.
when two people realize they've kissed and/or made out with the same person.
addendum: the closeness of the relationship is dependent on the length of time passed between said incidences. Like, if two people "crossed paths" over the course of a week, it would be known as "lip twins." But if it occurred years apart it would be "lip cousins."
"ashley! i can't believe we made out with the same boy!"
"yeah. we're totally lip cousins."
The son-in-law of one's grandparent-in-law's sibling.
My first co-cousin-uncle-in-law is a good person.
Child of their great-grandparent’s half-sibling with the other great-grandparent’s full sibling.
My sesqui-great-cousin-pibling is a good person.
My second great-cousin-pibling is a good person.