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cultural appropriation

when white people thinks it's okay to steal all the ~~~pretty~~~ or appealing things from cultures and use them for attention (i.e basically every white female celebrity with a bindi or miley cyrus and 'twerking') . It's pretty annoying and i ask you to please stop

example of cultural appropriation:

miley cyrus: i may be a hill-billy but i can twerk!!!

white audience: lmao raise da roof!!!!!! holla!!

black audience: "hysterical laughter"

by pissedoff123 November 13, 2013

255๐Ÿ‘ 1052๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cultural Appropriation

The adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture. Many people mistake cultural appropriation with Cultural Appreciation. As there is a difference between taking the time to learn about a culture and taking a culture's traditions, clothing etc. and misrepresenting them.

Cultural Appropriation: Wearing a Native American costume is offensive because the clothing in that culture is very sacred
Cultural Appreciation: Taking some time to learn about Native American culture (traditional dances, clothing, foods etc.)

Not to mention some cultures have a dark history attached to them and they still face present-day issues.

So if you truly want to embrace a culture, then do a bit of research on the culture and do it properly.

by 11CheeseCake11 June 12, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cultural Apologist

A cultural apologist is a person that will utilize a culture that is not native to himself as a polite gesture to a foreigner. These people tend to think that foreigners like them better, as they will often use over needed accents on words such as: "Fajita", "Quesadilla", "menage a trois", "Hola", "Adios", and "Punta"

Mary is being a Cultural Apologist because she keeps pronouncing fajita as if she were from Mexico. Opposed to saying it the American way "Fah-GI-Tah".

I hate the way Ryan is being such a cultural apologist... he keeps saying Ms. Gonzales name as if he were from fricken Mexico. HE'S FROM CANADA!

by j0j3mar August 6, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

cowboy culture

1. A "culture" defined as getting shit done by whatever means necessary. It's usually largely opposed by sixsigma assholes and lazy university graduates who lack the common sense and hands on work ethic needed to make anything work.

Newest 6s/phd CEO of company: "We wirr be a moving away a from the "Cowboy Curture" in the coming years and moving towards a direction of failure. Wiz these new changes you will all be out of jobs."

Cowboy Culturee: "What a dumbass."

by Sir Francis Bacon, common man November 28, 2011

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rape culture

A society which sexualizes women, blames victims for being sexually assaulted and does not demonstrate respect for women.

The victim blaming that occurred in Steubenville, Ohio in 2013 is an example of rape culture.

by JewelSparkles January 20, 2015

99๐Ÿ‘ 395๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black culture

Culture & traditions related to black colored people of Africa.

Should be distinguished from Nigger culture attributed to blacks by race hustlers.

White Demagogue: You should appreciate your Black culture!

Thomas Sowell: It's Nigger culture, acquired from antebellum south rednecks.

by Benic September 6, 2020

19๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

mass culture

pop culture

by AYB February 18, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž