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The Drink Stages

A series of stages that must be explained to all your friends before using in order to save your ass by reminding them.
In regards to taking a drink from an informed friend

Sip- enough to get the taste on your lips
Swig - enough to get the taste on your tongue
Swiggle-More than a swig because it has more letters
Drink- half of the drink if possible in one drink {Dick Move}
Let me get that- The whole drink if you can chug it {Dick Move}

{Friend says}"Hey Let me get that" {unsuspecting friend says} "sure" {and hands over beverage} {Friend then Chugs drink} {Unsuspecting Friend is pissed off and says} "What the Hell!" {Friend says} " Dont get mad i told you the drink stages remember"

by ShaneO717 August 15, 2009

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Drinking Milk

When a group of male caucasians decide to meet and hang out.

Oh I'm just drinking milk.

Hey, why are you always drinking milk.

by Ron Tanaka January 25, 2011

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Spiked Drink

The act of drinking from a glass which has been phantom spiked.

Jimmy was happy to see Jaclyn drinking his spiked drink

by AKNDJJJND March 21, 2014

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Drink it Down

When finding oneself in an embarrasing situation one then grabs their drink (preferably alcoholic) and exclaims "Drink it Down Drink it Down" and then procedes to down their drink. By the time the drink is finished the embarrassing situation has passed and everyone is happy.

El(saying really loudly):"Hey Aoife isn't that that Bill lad that you said was crap in bed?!"

Aoife:"I can't believe you just said that"

El:"Drink it Down Drink it Down" and drinks her drink.

Aoife:"So anyway I says to Mavis I says..." and changes the conversation.

by SmellyElly May 9, 2008

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Drink a Blunt

Dippin a Blunt into Promethazine, codene or any kind of cough syrup, and smoking it.

I drank a blunt and it fucked me up! or Let's drink a blunt today.

by G.one February 25, 2010

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Minge Drinking

Minge Drinking is where u suck 3 or more minges in an hour

guy 1: dude, i went Minge Drinking last night
guy 2: how many did u have?
guy 1: 5
guy 2: u total minge drinker!

by gingerninja12 June 9, 2010

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gay drink

also known as a foo foo drink, a gay drink usually has whipped cream on top, an umbrella in it or a homosexual sounding name.

We went to the biker bar and Chuck ordered a gay drink. It was a daquiri and I found myself to be quite embarrassed to be with him.

by GalenG February 6, 2008

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