Gary Reagan is the process of fixing something that is broken in a non-orthodox manner. Gary Regan also includes duct tape electrical tape epoxy solder glue spit shit and a number of other things that you can make as composites
Man I'm telling you what oh Bob he Gary-rigged the engine for the damn good we're getting about 35 mi to the gallon when we was only getting about six the other day and I'll use was a potato some aluminum foil and a rubber hose
a fucking awesome guy that takes all the bitches in an 80 mile radius just by blinking
Person 1: Dude, Gary Heckerson just took my bitch!
Person 2: Fuck, he took my bitch too!
Getting Gary Juled is when you get the worst possible outcome in a game (not getting a single generator in dead by daylight or no team members on the MVP board in overwatch), so as punishment you have to listen to Gary Jules mad world
We just got Gary Juled, play mad world. Ffs
Side Piece; 2 chicks, 1 dude, 3 cups
Oh no baby, I was just drinking with Gary Brad on Valentines Day
When your spouse or friend annoyingly buddyf#@ks you.
Originated on a flight from San Jose, CA to Honolulu, HI where a guy named Gary let his TSA precheck expire so got separated from his wife going through security. Somehow Gary was able to board first and as he was about to sit, an older gentleman asked if he minded changing seats across the isle. He agreed and 5 minutes later his wife arrived and saw him in the wrong seat leaving her stuck in the window with two elderly physically challenged people while Gary sat next to a fine young whine girl across the isle. She loudly proclaimed from 5 rows ahead "so what, we're not sitting together on this 5 hour flight?" He innocently replied "no honey, I switched seats." As she squeezed passed the old people to get into her window seat, she loudly sighed "Thanks, Gary...".
Gary later asked if he would like her to switch back to which she replied with an ice cold "NO!" Gary was not going to have a great Hawaiian vacation.
I raced home to enjoy the last piece of cheesecake I'd been thinking about all day and when I looked it was gone. My wife had given it to the dog. Thanks Gary!...
Some non smart Asian who think he's cool cause he made a Yt channel thats Cringy AF
Person: Who is the cringest Youtuber
Me: Gary Gaming
A member of the community with little hair, a Gary Noob is tardy on a regular basis. Seriously challenged mentally and physically a Gary Noob is an under achiever at work, in game and while on the dance mat. Enjoys Pokemon, Toy Soldiers and riding hand.
Person 1: Robert absolutely destroyed him on the dance mat.
Person 2: Yeah, he's such a Gary Noob.