1.Being hassled by sales person in an unsuspecting environment
2.Being forcibly sold on a service or product when your intentions was not to purchase
I went to the gas station to get some gas when some hussy gypsied me on some car washing products.
I hate when I am walking through the mall only to be gypsied by the random kiosks in the middle.
A grumpy gypsy is when you're friends think they are knowledgeable about lies you have told, mind readers, or can read ones personality, gestures or expressions- like a boss. But infact have no idea what the hell they are talking about or have any idea that infact what they believe is a lie or a good statement of you're character is completely inacurate & when you point that out.. -that they know no nothing- ie.Jon Snow... they become angry that they have 1 less gift that they truly believed they were blessed with.
Andrew was acting like a total fucking grumpy gypsy, he thinks I lied when infact i did not because i laughed at him when he mentioned it and thinks laughing is a trait of mine when i lie. #wheresmypokerface?
Basically she got abused all her childhood by her mom deedee and makes her think that she had all these medical problems but she perfectly fine and she slowly realized that she can walk so she secretly gets a phone and meets this guy (her ex-bf) and plans to kill her mom so that she can live freely so gypsy stole a knife and gave it to her (ex) bf and go kill her while she hid in the bathroom on the floor eventually they got caught and sentenced to ten years in prison and her ex bf got life *fastforward* now she is happy married to another man and getting out on the 28th of December 2023 she only served 8 years of her sentence she getting out early on parole woooo I’m happy for her (sorry of its long and if you don’t understand maybe try watch the move “the act”)
Person1: did you hear gypsy rose is getting out on the 28th
It's less than a cunt hair. And funner to say.
Studs a tad long. Take a gypsy whisker off it.
Is a gypsy on the hot road never stoping , burning the highway up and to those who meet her love her with a fiery passion or hate her burning their asses up. .
That fire gypsy is gone leaving smoke streams
A racist who doesn't know the meaning of racist. Unintentionally racist on purpose.
Robbie: Aren't black people the worst?
Robbie: No, Do I look like a Gypsy Tart To you?
Robbie: You look more like a retard to me...