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Happy Meat

Meat that has come from a free range, grass-fed, organic environment.

Jonathan: So you up for hitting McDonald's for a burger?

Jacob: No, man, I'll just go to Publix and see if they got any happy meat. Last time I was there, they had a great selection of free-range, grass-fed, and organic meat. It was wonderful.

by elsbethromeo September 14, 2009

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Happy Virus

Park Chanyeol

"I love the happy virus of EXO!!"

by Hellhol July 24, 2019

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Happy Kadaver

German slang term for the feast day 'Corpus Christi'.
The actual German translation is 'Fronleichnam', which sounds as if it would consist of the two words 'froh' and 'Leichnam' - They mean happy and corpse/cadaver.

A: Wohooo dude let's rock the bars from Wednesday to sunday!

B: We're supposed to work, I think.

A: You fail douche, thursday is Happy Kadaver - Movable feast!

A, B: YAY!

by Mr. Cash the man in black Rob June 1, 2010

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happy anni

Anni- birthday

Mike: Happy anni bro
Corey: What does anni mean

Mike: It means birthday just in a different way

by JF15 June 28, 2019

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Happy Stick

"Happy stick" is a slang term that can be used in reference to large-capacity Glockpistolmagazines containing 33 rounds of 9mm intended for use in the Glock 18 fully-automatic machine pistol. These 33-round Glock 9mm magazines fit and function in other 9mm Glock handguns and are extremely popular with shooters. A .40 S&W caliber version of the "happy stick" exists that is reported to have a capacity of 22 rounds.

I'm going to stock up on happy sticks for my Glock before they get banned.

by RDM1984 January 16, 2011

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Happy Peeling

The practice of placing peel on somebody unsuspectedly and capturing it with a camera phone.
A legal form of happy slapping

happy peeling scenario:

friend: mate, something on your shoulder
victim: ah the bastards peeled me

by king peeler January 11, 2009

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happy slapping

Pastime of intellectually-challenged youngsters from the 'street'. In large groups, they wander the realms of public transport, slapping the faces of unsuspecting members of the public and recording it for posterity on their camera-phones to show to their mates at 'skool'. They are usually black in colour, and under the delusion that they are the miniature London version of the US rapper 50 cent. Laughingly calling themselves G-Unit, or Terror Squad, they pounce without warning.

Try to arm yourself in anticipation of such an attack while travelling on any kind of public transport, and if you are unfortunate enough to be targeted by these ignorant morons, try and kill at least one of them in order to cleanse the human race.

by spade January 18, 2005

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