Source Code

goldener henry

When there's nothing to wipe after taking a good shit.

A: Ein goldener Henry würde mir jetzt sehr will viel Zeit sparen.

by Tursti September 8, 2017

henry pu

henry pu means really stinky and smelly and really ugly.

This person is so henry pu!

by SuperMC March 16, 2017

Mr Henry

Mr Henry is a Hass, English, Art and Photography teacher. He has brown hair that’s tied into a man bun, He has glasses, He uses very formal words. Mr Henry reminds me of a pedophile, he gives out lots of extra credit to people if they stay back after class.

“Mr Henry has a big bulge” “we should make a Mr Henry x Miss Potts Wattpad fan fic

by simp4vinniehacker May 10, 2021

henry stickmin

Henry Stickmin is a man who is a stick man from the famous games "Breaking The Bank, Escaping the Prison, Infiltrating the Airship,Fleeing the Complex, and Henry Stickmin Collection" Henry Stickmin is the protagonist of the game.

Charles: Can you take down the Sam turret
Henry Stickmin: Eats a cupcake
*Charles Dies*

by Floorenced September 22, 2020

Henri Asselin

A little French guy that comes from Versaille. He is a monkey with a small banana.

OH SHIT! It's Henri Asselin! HIDE.

by optic69 May 10, 2010

Henry Hoover

When a golfer hoovers up putts from all over the greens.

Beef was a Henry Hoover on the greens today

by Maccadoodle September 20, 2020

Henry dick

Big mothafkn dick usally about 3 miles long super girthy with vains and all girls are attracted, u want the big dick

Henry dick is super long and fun to play with

by Big_girthydickman July 4, 2022