When there's nothing to wipe after taking a good shit.
A: Ein goldener Henry würde mir jetzt sehr will viel Zeit sparen.
henry pu means really stinky and smelly and really ugly.
This person is so henry pu!
Mr Henry is a Hass, English, Art and Photography teacher. He has brown hair that’s tied into a man bun, He has glasses, He uses very formal words. Mr Henry reminds me of a pedophile, he gives out lots of extra credit to people if they stay back after class.
“Mr Henry has a big bulge” “we should make a Mr Henry x Miss Potts Wattpad fan fic”
Henry Stickmin is a man who is a stick man from the famous games "Breaking The Bank, Escaping the Prison, Infiltrating the Airship,Fleeing the Complex, and Henry Stickmin Collection" Henry Stickmin is the protagonist of the game.
Charles: Can you take down the Sam turret
Henry Stickmin: Eats a cupcake
*Charles Dies*
A little French guy that comes from Versaille. He is a monkey with a small banana.
OH SHIT! It's Henri Asselin! HIDE.
When a golfer hoovers up putts from all over the greens.
Beef was a Henry Hoover on the greens today
Big mothafkn dick usally about 3 miles long super girthy with vains and all girls are attracted, u want the big dick
Henry dick is super long and fun to play with