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Indian Forgiver

A person who forgives another person, but then proceeds to take back the forgive.

"Dude, are you going out with Kaylee tonight?"
"Nah, man."
"I thought she forgave you for what you did."
"Dude, what do you expect? She's an indian forgiver."
"Ah that sucks. Wanna go grab some ping fao?"
"Sure, let me get my skateboard."

by Scott Delicious July 30, 2007

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indian chief

the act of pulling a girls bloody tampon out with your teeth during "redwings," then shaking your head hard to the right and left, giving you red "war marks"

"What's on your face? Did you do the Indian Chief last night or something?"

by AnthonyR June 21, 2007

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Indian Mystery

The act in which a female performs a clambag(girl version of tea bagging, also referred to as 'flapping') while on her period. If done correctly, this should leave a mysterious red dot on the center of the victim's forehead: looking like a stereotypical Indian person.

Anna: That dumb bitch stole my juice box!

Shae: Just wait till she goes to sleep and give her an Indian Mystery!

Anna: Yeah! it's a little fishy, but a bitch gotta learn!

by Lamitto April 19, 2012

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indian swears

Indian Swears-
Swears which are said by Indians who swear in English with their broken accents, and sound like complete morons in the process.

Indian Scammer: "Fuck you motherfuck, fuck you moderchode." (Subject usually sounds like he is reading off a script.)

You: "Ah, a prime example of the indian swears!"

by Banzaivinny April 3, 2016

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Indian chief

Referring to lazy people who can talk a lot but doesn’t do much. Commonly used in South East Asia referring to Indians from India.

Ah, he cannot deliver what he promised, he is an Indian chief.

by ReturnTray November 14, 2019

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indian thunder

Indian Thunder is the type of guy that can fuck a girl in 9000 ways but still can bring him home to your momma. Indian Thunders tend to be sex driven, funny, educated, amazing. Indian Thunders are good boyfriends and 100% loyal but choose not to be tied down.

"Whose that stud?"

"Oh that's Indian Thunder he fucked me like no tomorrow!"

by Indian Thunder February 11, 2018

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indian brother

Indian brothers are two men who have had sex with the same girl(different occasion).

Yeah, I used to be tight with Rachelle too! Guess that makes us indian brothers my man!

by Sneakeasy February 10, 2017

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