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Moved to Nebraska

A girl doesn’t like you anymore

I could tell him the truth, and just say she ain't like me much
But instead I lie and say she moved to Nebraska

by BlightTrick March 25, 2022

A Lincoln Move

The action of farting into someone's dick

Yeah you just pulled A Lincoln Move, there

by Basile Praestentia November 13, 2022

moving snowdrift

When someone doesn't clear off their windows or car body, enough after a winter.

Frank was sooo stupid, he had to have known he was going to crash into a car with his Moving Snowdrift

by john venezia December 13, 2007

moving wall

when driving on the highway and 2 or more cars insist on driving under or up to the speed limit and form a wall across the highway leaving no room to merge around them and forcing everyone to drive the speed limit.

These 3 cars are making a moving wall right now, and I am stuck doing 50 on a 55 this is bullshit

by Nerazurri July 27, 2010

Hoe Move

A Hoe Move, is when a ''Hoe''makes her move in a negative way. Example/Girlfriend, girl at school, or a ''Diva''/Falasha. The ''Move,'' part is when she does something a ''Hoe'' would do but in public.

Guy1: (at Starbucks) ''Falasha, what do you want to eat?''

Guy's girlfriend: ''A PUSSY SAM WITCH BIACH!!!


by Ghetto Black Sheep January 29, 2019

obligation move

When you pull out your penis during a date resulting in vaginal, oral or anal sex due to the female feeling obligated.

Advised to be done in younger years of age. If done in older years results could be jail time due to looking like an old Maniaco (pervert)

Last night when I did the ol Obligation move the panties dropped.. In no Time she was all over my penis like a hobo on a ham sandwich.

by R-WAK January 30, 2023

move the needle

To make a noticable change.

Employee 1: what do think about this presentation

Employee: you need to move the needle.

by Silly_crow June 14, 2023