Source Code


Has bomb ass cock
Tends to say yes when asked 'eat in or takeaway?'
Died from fall damage

Jazz's dad disappeared

by eszrtxdrcfytvgh November 12, 2023


An amazing person who everyone loves.

Is that Jazz?

Yeah she’s so nice.

by StarTrekLover2005 December 27, 2021


I never meet a such a lovely person, who i can truly trust. i don regret her one bit, she is a sunshine in my heart who always had my back. Without her my pain would be hiding in a whole suffering. I could never repay my dept of your kindness. my time with her has pass a long time but it feels like it was just yesterday. she is a great person, ONLY PEOPLE WHO TRY TO GET TO HER WILL TRULY LOVE HER!!

I don't know how my world would be without jazz, but i would know it be full of darkness. she creates sunshine from rain, she makes flower bloom. Even a smallest memory with her is special to me and to others.

thanks dear sis, you've been loyal

Idiot: she is annoying your lying

Me: shush child

Idiot: you don even know her for that long
Me: she is beautiful and the only person who would truly never understand her is you because your jealous of her confident

Idiot: ........
Idiot: i defined her annoying

Me: i defined you as a jealous person and jazz as a flower

by POTATOLIFE May 22, 2018


The correct term for a Female Derrick is a Jazz.

Damn this chick is a total Jazz.

This potatoesque gameplay is so Jazz of you.

by faddishworm August 1, 2019


1. A type of music
2. A child Born From two Unmarried people ages 26 and older (by law men and women)

1. Play some jazz music

2. They had a jazz

by 459395 March 16, 2022


A stuck up genre of music listened to by hipsters that live with their parents and have a degree in psychology.

bro no 1: i saw somebody listening to jazz earlier
bro no 2: who actually does that

by topbuttondude June 28, 2024


A wonderful sweet sexy person with a great sense of humour and style if you ever meet a jazz make sure to appreciate the time you get with her as she will not stay for long.

Look at that wonderful jazz.

by Jellytotjoe January 19, 2021