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joey gladstone

the act of being a shitty comedian, or bombing while performing comedy

he was so joey gladstone at the party yesterday that I felt embarrased.

by Tony91919 November 15, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

snowy joey

a male so white skinned that he has been mistaken for an albino. He's almost transparent.

"is that you snowy joey, i can't tell when you stand in front of a cloud."

by Scooter mcscootinimer December 22, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dirty Joey

When a weak little guy with a flaming tattoo gets banged in the ass and gets a scrawny little mustache with his own fecal matter (a variation of the Dirty Sanchez.

After they work out, Justin loves to give his friend a Dirty Joey to celebrate a job well done.

by Joe Smith September 1, 2004

62๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

Joey's Butt

Big, voluptuous and round. Very intimidating. You will have the urge to grab it when you see it.

Damn did you see Joey's Butt it's so hot

by Sisilova November 1, 2013

joeys jungle

Hes a youtuber

"Hey Joeys jungle, I heard you're dating a Lucas, now..." "Why yes I am!" "Wow, you are so lucky... I wish I were you!!"

by Lucas frau January 3, 2017

Toasted Joey

When an absolute rocket melts marshmallows.

For an even cheekier version, add chocolate.

Iโ€™m going make some toasted Joeyโ€™s tonight

by Lucytherocket December 24, 2020

Joey Kangaurou

That boi who look a Stephen Colbert. Deepen dat voice and boombox comedy all over. No rock is to small for Joey Kangaurou.

Welcome back to the late show my name is Rou Rou also Joey Kangaurou

by DatGermanGu-i March 6, 2019