A gay lil fucker who Can die in a hole alone
Juan: "Im GAY"
PErson 2: OML ME 2
Juan is love. Juan is life. Juan is J U A N.
Virgin: hey what’s up with that weird horse on a balcony that people call Juan? I keep seeing it everywhere as a meme
Chad: that’s Juan.
Virgin: what’s the joke though?
Chad: it’s Juan.
Virgin: that’s not funny.
Chad: B L A S P H E M Y
a kid that thinks and behaves like the world revolves around him, you can be sitting doing nothing and out of nowhere he can annoy the shit out of you to the point that you want to beat him up. he's that one kid that wont stop playing minecraft and the type of person to abuse power in any situation in a game. Its like some one slapping a baby for sucking it's thumb. it could be a living hell just knowing someone named Juan
Juan is a horse that is normally seen living on his balcony, he became a meme in 2020 for a short time. He died at the #JuanIsOverParty where normies and memers alike came to cleanse the world of his name.