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Julia Matthews

the most amazing person in the world. loves the words agar-agar, clemenuel and asexuhal. loves music, including the wanted. if someone is called julia matthews they are loved by everyone.

i spoke to julia matthews earlier, she is one amazing girl!

by iloveclementines February 18, 2011

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Julia roberts

one of those "i dont do nude scenes" actresses
if they dont nudy up whats the point?

"im too good for nude scenes"

by Hakko December 14, 2003

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julia desanto

a kick ass name for only kick ass girls who kick ass and are awesome
this name can also be for sexy ladies or ladies with a very nice scent extracted from their body

in brief,
julia desanto is kick-ass

yo man, you know julia desanto?
nah, why?
because she kicks ass!

by wholewheatbreak January 12, 2009

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Julia Stampp

Ugly thing that walks on the earth and her noise is 200 feet long. She has no friends. All animals run away from her.

You look like Julia Stampp

by Ugly one June 20, 2016

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julia spoor

a kick-ass teenage activist leading the gun control movement

trump: β€œwho am i making fun of on twitter this week?”
kellyanne: β€œjulia spoor, sir!”

by especiallycarrots June 18, 2018

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julia michaels

A singer-songwriter from Iowa who saved the music Industry. She has an unconditional love for her family, friends, fans(also known as the gemfam), pets and pickles with chocolate ice-cream.

A: is that an angel?
B: no that's Julia Michaels

by VΓ©ronique van Dijk July 1, 2019

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Julia Poffenberger

Julia Poffenberger is a very unique person. She can have many annoying moments, but overall she loves anyone she trusts. It may take a little while to get her to trust you, but once she does she will let her true self show and become crazy. She can have stupid moments a lot, and tends to laugh way too much. She trusts her best friends more than anyone and anything. She has brown hair, and loves to sleep and eat. She also loves to read and just talk to her friends and family. She can also be a wet noodle at times. She had way too many celebrity crushes, though her first was Simba. She loves donuts and baking and taking polaroids to hang on her wall. She is almost always honest, and tries to be as nice as possible. OmG iTs PeRcY jAcKsOn she loves fantasy books and could hang out in a bookstore forever. She can have sensitive moments and be dumb enough to not take something as a joke, which can be a problem at times. She’s overall slightly (very) annoying, unique, weird, and she loves those she trusts and who respects her.

omg Julia Poffenberger is such a wet noodle

by Julia Poffenberger November 26, 2018

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