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Liberal media

The Daily Show and The Onion. Thats about it.

When CBS has an "intellegence failure" and does an anti-Bush story, 4 people loose their jobs and Dan Rather's career is tainted.

When George W. Bush has an "intellegence failure," we pre-emptively bomb a country, 1,500 Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis die. He says "Oops," gets re-elected.

by JakeStar April 25, 2005

902๐Ÿ‘ 1149๐Ÿ‘Ž

Liberal Media

A myth used by Republicans to justify having bilge like FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh on the air. One of the Five Great Scapegoats of the modern American Republican who blames all of his shortcomings on everything but himself.

Scapegoat 1: Terrorists/Foreigners
Scapegoat 2: Democrats and Other Liberals
Scapegoat 3: "The Liberal Media"
Scapegoat 4: Secularism
Scapegoat 5: The Poor

by Ninja Disaster January 11, 2004

1735๐Ÿ‘ 19683๐Ÿ‘Ž

liberal media

What the media must be if it does not kiss Republican ass. It certainly could not be objective, if the media acknowledges any negative occurrence regarding conservative issues every good journalist knows you are supposed to serve your country and sweep it under the rug to make the government look good. Silly Dems! News is for Nazis!

If the discovery of unfavorable facts surface, simply declare your hatred by claiming the source to be part of the liberal media.


by Smokie Winston November 30, 2005

932๐Ÿ‘ 33009๐Ÿ‘Ž

Liberal media

1. A lie created by conservative pundits used to describe four of the five major news networks and several newspapers. Consists primarily of a slight majority of left-leaning moderate reporters who are so terrified of being called biased, they deliberately slant their coverage far to the right. Known for ignoring important stories that could have a dramatic impact on American politics, including 2000 election fraud, prewar intelligence that refuted all of Bush's claims about Iraq, and 2004 election fraud.
2. (conservative slang) Any news source that is not blatant about its conservative slant; any news source without the motto 'fair and balanced.'

Damn that liberal media... they keep ignoring all the good things that have happened in Iraq, like those 50 people we saved from the rape rooms by killing 100,000 civilians.

by Andy December 1, 2004

820๐Ÿ‘ 19062๐Ÿ‘Ž

liberal media

the entire media... Oh, wait, my bad, I forgot about:
Fox "News"
95% of talk radio stations
the Wall Street Journal
the New York Post
Anything Rupert Murdoch has touched
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
the 700 Club
Ann Coulter
Bill O'Reily

Right-winger: "Fuck them jewish liberal media faggots. Ain't I right, Jethro?"

by king of canada July 22, 2006

749๐Ÿ‘ 19013๐Ÿ‘Ž

Liberal Media

An entirely make-believe term used by Republicans when the news says something they don't like. One day Republicans will realise that vast majority of America's media content comes through the Clear Channel Network; and who has the majority share in that company? Jeb Bush no less. So Republicans, just try to realise that the news is actually on your side, especially in a time of conflict as all for-profit media companies repeat the ruling party's information.

"Today on Fox News, why dark skinned people in turbans WILL hunt you down and kill you."

Liberal Media? Yeah right.

by Chris Alderson February 11, 2006

1107๐Ÿ‘ 19244๐Ÿ‘Ž

politically liberal

A set of political beliefs which should focus on stressing the following:

-Social government programs seeking to improve the quality and equality of life such as Health care and Welfare

-Heightened strength of federal government to keep differing state governments close enough together to avoid conflict

-Protection of Constitutional rights of ALL people (even those who are not politically liberal)

Unfortunately, it is now also known for the following:

-Anti-religious zealotry seeking to censor any mention of God, thus restricting free speech, but only for religious individuals.

-Anti-conservative bigotry that viciously mock and criticize conservatives simply because they have different beliefs.

-Radical homosexual propaganda that makes anyone who disagrees with "Homosexuality is natural, healthy and good for society" out to be some sort of criminal.

I don't know how to explain to my friends that I'm politically liberal but not a total lying bitch like Rachel Maddow or other famous liberals.

by TruthInText May 25, 2010

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