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magic brett

The sexiest man alive, looks good in a vest but looks better without it. kicks it with the best, kills it on the dance floor, aka brett blanchard

Man, I really want a magic brett

by magicbrettlover September 23, 2018

Magic Chef

An appliance that looks nice and is cheap, but has a 50/50 chance of dying, usually 3 to 7 days after the warranty expires. Typically a small refrigerator or microwave.

Dude 1: Whoa, a bluetooth keyboard for $20? Look at all the cool features!
Dude 2: Yeah, looks like a Magic Chef. Not sure it's worth the gamble.

by CheffinBob September 16, 2016

magic water

A slang word for vodka because vokda looks like water but is magical

dude hit me up with some of that "magic water"

by NEB man February 24, 2010

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Work Magic

To spit your game to a girl and b smoove while spittin your game. The girl becomes infatuated with ur lingo or swagg, and wants to chill more often, sooner or later you end up going out and fuckin her.

Damn Michelle is bad
I be back, im bout to work magic on her, rite quick

by JOEY DANZA June 21, 2008

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The Magic Trick

The act of having sex doggy-style and having someone hide in the closet. The other person quietly sneaks out and takes over for you. You then go outside and wave to her from outside the window.

I was doing this drunk girl last night and gave her the magic trick, you should have seen her face!

by skierfreak December 19, 2006

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magic asshole

A trick played by a "fatal attraction" lover where they fill their asshole with super glue before lube, such that later after you wear through the lube you get stuck with them permanently.

I have a magic asshole! What he stuck in will never come out!

Yeah a magic asshole is a very dirty trick - but it works! He will never cheat again.

With a magic asshole he has to leave a little something behind if he tries to cheat.

by one trick pony February 15, 2010

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Magical Jew

A jewish person that can perform tasks that no one thought possible or can create something awesome out of seemingly normal objects by using his jewish powers.

Leroy: Dude there's no way you can bounce that pong ball off that lamp, over the couch, through that small pipe, off Becca's cleavage and into that cup for game.

Brian: Watch me (shoots)

Everyone: Holy shit!!! I can't beleive he made that! He is one magical Jew.

by Brian D. January 7, 2006

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