Mid is a word that has 2 meanings, one means a 5/10, and the other is commonly used as a insult to problematic streamers or youtubers.
I waited years for this game to publish but it turned out to be mid.
(Adj.) Likely a contraction of "middling." Mostly used to describe something that is mediocre.
"This pizza is mid"
"It's Marco's"
What people say when they wanna get railed
Cringe guy: yo that’s mid
Me: imma fuck the shit out of you
something unpleasant but also not horrible, but something you wouldnt want to be called
Stupid. Annoying. Dense.
A word made up by a small town in the middle of nowhere. Holliston Ma.
“Yo the party is cancelled”
“That’s Mids Asf”
Ur not ugly or cute ur in the middle
i mean you’re not ugly we’ll just stick with mid:)