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jayson tatum

jayson tatum is so mid, he won’t ever carry a team to a ring

by bubbarob123 May 12, 2024


mid,mids. a term originally used by stoners/growers as a grade of cannibis

homie-yo bro look at this fire, think I might pick some up

me-hell naw homie, guys using flash on snapchat ,shits definitely just mids.

by rober1 August 1, 2022


Mid is short for mediocre or low quality, it’s short, quick and it’s a good way to describe the full Animan walking video.

Mint ice cream is mid.”
Person 1 “That Animan video is cinema.”

Person 2 “No, it’s mid.”

by callmeakabo April 21, 2023


Average or mediocre :

the term is however overused of Twitter by Gen Z’s

Person A : “yo have you heard Kanye’s nee album?
Person B :”yeahhh it was kinda mid ain’t gone hold you”

by SFoxx February 18, 2022


"Mid" is a word used for describing somthing as mediocre, but in these days calling something "mid" makes it feel like the worst thing ever.

Me: "Dude wanna see my minecraft house that i spend over 16 hours of grinding to build?"

Friend 1: "Mid"

Me: 😭

by Small_White_Quacker July 30, 2023



Sam: youre mid
Aly: so I am middle?
Sam: yes

by chris_p_bacon121212 April 5, 2022


Usually used to describe the popular berserk manga

person 1: Hey have you watched berserk
person 2: You mean midserk bro its so bad

by gidras September 12, 2021