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turd muscle

an asshole

English Teacher: "This is the third time you haven't done your homework, Kyle."

Kyle: "I had chores to do on myself afterschool, teach!"

E T: "Oh, please, you're a turd muscle. That's why you didn't do your homework!"

by NateBlake666 June 6, 2014

muscle neck

When u neck is so big that u can breath more then average human being

Navel got a muscle neck

by Yet squad boy February 12, 2016

Mud Muscle

Another word for the Anus. Where the poo comes from

Ingram you need to start cleaning your mud muscle it's starting to stink

by TheMudMuscler December 2, 2024

Mussels Don't got muscles

When a group of mussels have very weak muscles so you decide to point it out.

Bro: Bro these mussels don't got muscles at all they are so weak man.

Mussels: You know we can hear you bro, right?

Bro: Well for starters I don't care and for seconds I'm gonna eat you anyways so time to dig in I guess!

Mussels: WAIT NO NO-

by ComputerWorld January 15, 2024


Muscle car as fuck is some thing that muscle car guys say because they think they are the shit but deep inside they know that they are just mad because they are slow and usles🤗

Dam bro thats MUSCLE CAR AS FUCK

by JDM LIFE 🔰 September 30, 2017

tug muscle

A buffoon; charlatan or oaf.

Epithet occasionally used by ex Labour MPs in New Zealand "He is a right tug muscle".

by vexnews June 27, 2007

bowflex muscles

A term that originates from Batman issue 675. Used to describe a muscular man who assumedly gained his muscles solely from simple exercises and therefor can not throw or catch hands to save his life.

Man1: Damn, that nigga's a beast.
Man 2: Nah, he ain't nothing but a bottle of steroids and bowflex muscles.

by Drex V. December 3, 2023