Stands for "Neurotic Unbearable Deadly Extreme Syndrome." It's a virus where you have extreme symptom such as: bad stuff, puking, hallucinations, dying, kidney explosion and more and you also have seazhairs.
Someone once asked me to send NUDES so I got the person's address and shipped a box contaminated with the NUDES virus
Thangs that bois love.
Thangs that bois ask.
Thangs that bois send back.
Send nudes.
I'll send nudes back.
Oh God, relax... I'm not actually nude! I'm wearing a loose-fitting long-sleeve shirt and some slacks.
Hym "I'm not actually nude. I don't even know how you're seeing this and am, therefore, not liable for who sees it. I'm actively having this stolen from me. This is a disclaimer. You have been disclaimed."
Picture of a naked body. Usually, you ask, he/she says no, you insist and they dismiss.
- Boy Hey send me some nudes, please.
- Girl No!
one who send picture of a penis or vagina without giving a fuck or also know as a thot.
That 13 year old that sent nudes to my 30 year old unce John.