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Nut Must

The rank smell that come from your sweaty nuts

i gotta shower i have some real bad nut must

by p tasty November 8, 2010

Nut Caped

To rape someone by fiercely and brutally twist to pairs of male testicals together.

Dude, you just got Nut caped

While playing dead space:OMG I ALMOST GOT NUTCAPED


Cold nut

A "cold nut" is used to describe a sexual interaction with a female that bore no romantic feelings.

i.e. hooking up with a random and not calling her back. You have no intention of starting a relationship but you still
wanted to smash, so you give her a "cold nut"... a nut that lacked the warmth of love.

This would apply to hooking up with an ex that you no longer have feelings for.

It can also be the first major sign of a relationship in decline.

Example: "Man I wasn't into her but she was thirsting hard so I just gave her a cold nut."

by when_rome_in May 27, 2020

Little Nuts

Term usually used to describe a lanky twat with tiny acorn like balls.

Also know as Small balls, due to high intensity masturbating continuously emptying his sack of sperm quicker than it can be produced.

Adam Campbell’s got proper little nuts fo real.

by Chocolate Wrists September 17, 2018

Nut Pit

The opposite of an armpit. The place where one of your testicles meets your thigh.

"Dude, did you even put deodorant on your nut pits!?!?"
"The reason your nuts smell is because you don't clean your nut pits..."

by Jurgy February 22, 2012

Nut Smeg

Its the cheese crud that collects around your teabag,and leg creases.
caused by poor cleaning habits,smell is atrocious.

I told my bf that he needs to clean his teabag more often,its covered in nut smeg.

by Joe hitts January 2, 2009


Upon ejaculation of male genitals, the individual endures a prolonged extension of the pleasureful sensation of ejaculation. Infi-nut, "infi" derived from infinite, connotates an infinite ejaculation, this is a hyperbole.

"Dude the best thing happened to me yesterday"
"When I beat my meat, a got an infi-nut."
"What's that?"
"It's when you nut but for 5 to 10 seconds it still feels like your nutting!"
"HAHA WTF! I want that."

by surviveandthrive November 29, 2018

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