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local lag

An excuse bitches make when they can’t properly play a game due to their extremely low skill level.

Mike: “You only won because of the local lag from these controllers. Get better ones and run it back.

by xXMorgasmicXx September 20, 2020


"Not Fun". Defenition requested by twitch streamer RedFalcon.

Oh shit I died. That was lag.

by PseudoOracle April 14, 2020


Mr Murphy

lag: if you just bear with me for one minute ill move somewhere else in the hou- s-e- -s s

by ChEEsEdoyEEtos February 2, 2021


Lag,when a online game has alot of ping to the point of “rubber banding” or slow gameplay. It also is an acronym for Lame.Axcuse for Gamers (It works better than LEG ok…)

person 1:Oh crap im experiencing Lag!
Person 2: Stop using that LAG

by A guy with a gun .E February 21, 2022


Lag is a word that you can use when you feel confused or overwhelmed or when you hear or see something wired or awkward .

someone: omg jen cheated on her gf !
me: i feel *lag*
maya mlglga
shaden mlglg
mai mlglga

by afuckingbingbigcow December 4, 2021


To be the last

You lag behind in a race

by rafael e Reyes August 12, 2022


The real reason video games cause violence.

As I was about to finally kill the boss, the lag killed me.

by efaefawefdfae March 16, 2024