Source Code

pizza song

A song written and recorded by Raimondo, the insane foreign language teacher. It was recorded with a synthesizer, drums, and an acoustic guitar. The song repeats the same notes over and over again, and has the "artist" sing "This is the PizZA song, this is the PizZA song" in a high, freakish falsetto voice before falling into a more serious, baritone voice. Also included are some horrible ad-libs, such as "One tomato, just one tomato" and "I'm the pizza boy, i bring your pizza joy"

"This is the Pizza Song, this is the pizza song, this is the pizza song"

"Theres no need to mix!"

"Did u download the pizza song yet? u gotta hear it!"

by Il Postino April 3, 2006

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Pizza Hipster

One who gets off on ordering their pizza from independent pizzerias. And refuses to eat at or patricipate in any fuctions that support and engage the use of Little Cearsars Pizza.

Maggie is totall pizza hipster.

by RooversJewvers January 17, 2010

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pizza nuggets

Jenna Marbles' phrase for Pizza Rolls

I'll have some pizza nuggets for lunch today.

by vixana93 November 10, 2013

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Pizza Tumor

A large, slightly burnt bubble on a slice of pizza, making it more or less appealing to the pizza eater

"Oh man gimme that slice with the huge pizza tumor"

"NO! Don't give me the one with the Pizza Tumor"

by Uabua October 15, 2007

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pizza rolls

A relationship built out of convenience rather than actual affection.

A guy's roommate is dating some girl, and she keeps bringing her friend over, so he and the friend hook up. He doesn't really like her, but she's always just around, so what the hell.

Compared to, if you wake up the morning and you want to eat something really good or healthy, but you find out there's a plate of pizza rolls left in the microwave for you, you sort've give up on the effort of something you want and just eat the crap, because it's convenient and there.

Oh, they're not dating. She just always shows up. That bitch is just pizza rolls to him.

by Captain Temerity March 10, 2011

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chocolate pizza

Where you puke in a chicks ass and then tap the hell out of it.

"Hey man what you do last night"
"Dude i totally chocolate pizzaed some bitch"

by evilnun February 28, 2009

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Pizza Hut

the big greese-ball in the sky

Luigi went to the pizza hut after the mob tasted his pizza.

by Eric August 26, 2003

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